Immersive Stories create podcasts that unfold complex or complicted content to a broader audience by way of an engaging take on the stories.
Our soundscapes strive to engage the listerners' curiousity by generating imaginative images. The podcasts we have produced cover the fields of life science, architecture and art, music and entertainment for public as well as commercial clients, published online through all widely available podcast apps and on clients' websites.
We cover all aspects, as we bring your ideas to life. We produce teasers and visual content for use on a variety of social media platforms as promotion of your content.
A geotagged podwalk about finding yourself, inspired by H.C. Andersen's life, for Storyhunt and Visit Frederiksberg
Immersive Stories is an award-winning production company with a focus on engaging storytelling in Virtual Reality, podcast and film.
Immersive Stories
Æginavej 3
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
CVR NR 39268744
Copyright © All Rights Immsersive Stories