A science podcast series that explores the most fascinating stories, trends and people in current life sciences. Presenting insights and results that will have a profound impact on you and me. Season III centres on the Danish biotech scene and the journey from early-stage research at universities, to life as a turbulent biotech start-up, and finally, if they get lucky, partnering up with a big pharmaceutical company in order to gain access to the market.
To present insightful and fascinating stories about the complex, risky and very long journey from idea to approved medical treatment. For listeners within, but also outside the life sciences sector
LIF / The Danish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry.
Immersive Stories is an award-winning production company with a focus on engaging storytelling in Virtual Reality, podcast and film.
Immersive Stories
Æginavej 3
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
CVR NR 39268744
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